elizabeth kershaw

Founder of Journee. Digital Nomad. Personal Development Girlie.

What I'm Doing Now

I'm writing this as I sit by the window of my co-working space. It's currently raining outside, and the calming sound of this tropical downpour seemed like the perfect backdrop to write a little update on what's been happening in my life.

It doesn't rain often here in Da Nang. But when it does, it absolutely chucks it down. In fact, of the many tourist attractions and entertainment options in central Vietnam, I vote to put their thunder and lighting shows at the top of the list.

In grey, rainy moments like this one, I mentally place myself back in Manchester. I think about all the times I dreaded the day ahead just because the weather was cold, wet, and miserable.

Here, I don't get that same feeling. Here, the rain is more of a relief, a moment of respite (and entertainment) from the otherwise beating sun and humid air. And it never sticks around for long — just long enough for me to get lost in my own thoughts and reminisce about where I was only a few months ago.

Reflecting on my time at home is useful for lots of reasons. At the end of last year, when the weather turned back to *awful*, I could already see light at the end of the tunnel.

I was weeks away from achieving my goal of moving to Asia, to the point where everything I did pointed towards this bigger purpose. I had such a laser focus on my goals that not even the dark, cold mornings could stop me.

My routine was like a well-oiled machine.

When I finally arrived in Southeast Asia, it was a huge adjustment. All of the habits I've built my identity around dropped away as I tried to just survive in the first few weeks of my life on the other side of the world.

In a new country, meeting all new people, living an all new way of life, eating completely different food. (Vietnam and Germany are polar opposites when it comes to any type of structure or rules so god help me).

A lot of things are different here and as someone who values routine almost a bit too much, a constant state of change within the digital nomad lifestyle took some serious getting used to. My productivity took a hit too; that big goal I was chasing had been achieved, so what was motivating me now?

I feel like I've only just found my feet again and gotten back to who I really am.

At the same time, it's important for me to take stock of what I've actually managed to achieve. Because some cool sh*t has happened too!

💗 My app, Journee, has finally been launched, and I'm so proud of it. So many people have supported, shared, and given me feedback. I'm working on improving it every day!

💗 The very fact you're reading this means I've managed to mess around with enough code to create my own website, which has been on my list for a long time.

💗 I'm finding purpose in the gym and my fitness routine again. I'm starting to feel more in control of my nutrition now that I've found the good spots for simple food.

💗 I've also managed to find deep flow a few times over the last couple of weeks. That shows me that I'm aligned with the projects I'm working on and that they have a good balance between being difficult and rewarding.

This week we're doing a border run, which means I've been in Asia for 3 months now! To renew our visas we have to get on a bus, cross the Laos border, wait for new visas, and travel all the way back on the same day.

It's going to be a tiring day, so I'm spending the days around it relaxing and getting some good work done.

This was the adjustment phase, and I have a feeling the next 3 months will take everything to the next level.

Alright, that's everything. Bye! xoxox

Written 20th May 2024
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